XML-RPC server

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This page describes a custom user implementation of an XML-RPC server.

For PyMOL's built-in server, see RPC.

This server will enable any method in the 'cmd' module to be called remotely, as well as custom methods of the "pymol_interface" class (several examples of which are shown below). Other modules (such as util) could be wrapped using the same trick.

from pymol import cmd, util
from threading import Thread
from SimpleXMLRPCServer import SimpleXMLRPCServer
import cPickle
import os
import re
import string

def pymol_startup () :
  print "Loading PyMOL XML-RPC extensions"
  server = pymol_interface()

class pymol_xmlrpc_server (SimpleXMLRPCServer) :
  def __init__ (self, addr, interface) :
    self.interface = interface
    SimpleXMLRPCServer.__init__(self, addr, logRequests=0)

  def _dispatch (self, method, params) :
    if not self.interface.enable_xmlrpc :
      return -1
    result = -1
    func = None
    if hasattr(self.interface, method) :
      func = getattr(self.interface, method)
    elif hasattr(cmd, method) :
      func = getattr(cmd, method)
    if not callable(func) :
      print "%s is not a callable object" % method
    else :
      result = func(*params)
      if result is None :
        result = -1
    return result

class pymol_interface (object) :
  def __init__ (self) :
    self.enable_xmlrpc = True
    # the port can be set via an environment variable - although it could just as easily be passed to __init__
    port = string.atoi(os.environ.get("PYMOL_XMLRPC_PORT", "9123"))
    self._server = pymol_xmlrpc_server(("localhost", port), self)
    t = threading.Thread(target=self._server.serve_forever)
    print "Started XML-RPC server on port %d" % port

  def close_all (self) :

  def disable_all (self) :

  def load_current_model_and_maps (self,
      delfwt_map) :
    model_name = os.path.basename(os.path.splitext(pdb_file)[0])
    cmd.load(pdb_file, model_name, state=1)
    cmd.load(fwt_map, "2fofc", state=1, format="ccp4")
    cmd.load(delfwt_map, "fofc", state=1, format="ccp4")
    cmd.isomesh("m1", "2fofc", 1.0, model_name, 5.0)
    cmd.isomesh("m2", "fofc", 3.0, model_name, 5.0)
    cmd.isomesh("m3", "fofc", -3.0, model_name, 5.0)
    cmd.color("marine", "m1")
    cmd.color("green", "m2")
    cmd.color("red", "m3")

  def setup_roving (self, f_map="2fofc", diff_map="fofc") :
    cmd.set("roving_detail", 20)
    cmd.set("roving_isomesh", 20)
    cmd.set("roving_origin", 1)
    cmd.set("roving_sticks", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_ribbon", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_lines", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_spheres", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_nb_spheres", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_polar_contacts", 0)
    cmd.set("roving_polar_cutoff", 0)
    cmd.set("stick_radius", 0.12)
    cmd.set("roving_map1_name", f_map)
    cmd.set("roving_map1_level", 1)
    cmd.set("roving_map2_name", diff_map)
    cmd.set("roving_map3_name", diff_map)
    cmd.set("roving_map2_level", 3)
    cmd.set("roving_map3_level", -3)

  def refresh_maps (self, f_map="2fofc", diff_map="fofc") :
    cmd.isomesh("rov_m1", f_map, 1.0, "center", 20)
    cmd.isomesh("rov_m2", diff_map, 3.0, "center", 20)
    cmd.isomesh("rov_m3", diff_map, -3.0, "center", 20)
    cmd.color("skyblue", "rov_m1")
    cmd.color("green", "rov_m2")
    cmd.color("red", "rov_m3")

  def show_selection (self, selection_string, zoom=True): #"True") :
    try :
      cmd.show("sticks", selection_string)
    except Exception, e :
      return "Invalid selection."
    cmd.color("white", selection_string)
    if zoom :
      cmd.zoom(selection_string, buffer=5)

  def recenter (self, x, y, z) :
    view = list(cmd.get_view())
    view[12] = x
    view[13] = y
    view[14] = z

if __name__ == "pymol" : # optional, if the module will be a command line argument to pymol

The corresponding client code is shown below; not surprisingly, it is very simple to the example above. Because of the use of getattr() to retrieve methods in the 'cmd' API, we do not need to explicitly wrap cmd.load(), cmd.show(), or cmd.hide() for this code to work, and any other method in 'cmd' can be similarly accessed, as well as our custom methods.

from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
pymol = ServerProxy(uri="http://localhost:9123/RPC2")
pymol.load_current_model_and_maps("refined.pdb", "2mFo-DFc.ccp4", "mFo-DFc.ccp4")