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png writes a png format image file of the current image to disk.


png filename[, width[, height[, dpi[, ray[, quiet]]]]]
  • filename = string: file path to be written
  • width = integer or string: width in pixels (integer or string without units), inches (in), or centimeters (cm). If unit suffix is given, `dpi` argument is required as well. If only one of `width` or `height` is given, the aspect ratio of the viewport is preserved. {default: 0 (current)}
  • height = integer or string: height (see width) {default: 0 (current)}
  • dpi = float: dots-per-inch {default -1.0 (unspecified)}
  • ray = 0 or 1: should ray be run first {default: 0 (no)}
  • quiet = 0 or 1: if 1, logged output is suppressed. {default: 0}


png ~/Desktop/test.png, width=10cm, dpi=300, ray=1


cmd.png(string filename, int width=0, int height=0, float dpi=-1, int ray=0, int quiet=0)


Transparent Backgrounds

Use the `ray_opaque_background` setting to output images with transparent backgrounds.

set ray_opaque_background, 0

This can be useful for presentations, images that are placed on top of a background of nonuniform color (e.g. gradients), and images that overlap text or other images.

DPI Setting

Use the DPI option to have PyMol set the DPI of your image. Executing the command

png /tmp/ex.png, width=1200, height=1200, dpi=300, ray=1

will ouput a four-inch square image at 300dpi. Leaving off the dpi parameter would yield a 1200x1200 image at your system's default pixel density (e.g. 72 or 96 dpi). This saves the intermediate step of having to use GIMP/PhotoShop/etc to rescale your photos for publication.