Label shadow mode

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Sets whether or not PyMol renders shadows casted onto labels and whether or not the labels themselves cast shadows.


  • 0, no shadows
  • 1, object shadows are projected onto the labels, but the labels don't cast shadows
  • 2, object shadows are projected onto the labels, AND the lables DO cast shadows
  • 3, object shadows are NOT projected onto the labels, BUT the lables DO cast shadows.


set label_shadow_mode, 0  # turn off shadows projected onto lables, turn off shadows cast from labels
set label_shadow_mode, 1  # turn on shadows projected onto labels, turn off shadows cast from labels
set label_shadow_mode, 2  # turn off shadows projected onto lables, turn on shadows cast from labels
set label_shadow_mode, 3  # turn on shadows projected onto lables, turn on shadows cast from labels