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Type Python Script
Author(s) Ezequiel Panepucci
License BSD
This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo

Included in psico
This command or function is available from psico, which is a PyMOL extension.

Module psico.helping

Use this little script to explore PyMOL's myriad settings.

Usefull for newbies and those with not so good memory skills...

To use:

  1. put the script in a file called
  2. from within PyMOL execute run If you have the Pymol-script library configured, then import grepset
  3. try it out, see examples below.

Example 1: grepset light

cartoon_highlight_color        default
dot_lighting                   on
light                          [ -0.40000, -0.40000, -1.00000 ]
mesh_lighting                  off
two_sided_lighting             off
5 settings matched

Example 2: grepset trans

cartoon_transparency           0.00000
ray_transparency_contrast      1.00000
ray_transparency_shadows       1
ray_transparency_spec_cut      0.90000
ray_transparency_specular      0.40000
sphere_transparency            0.00000
stick_transparency             0.00000
transparency                   0.00000
transparency_mode              2
transparency_picking_mode      2
10 settings matched

Example 3: grepset ^trans

transparency                   0.00000
transparency_mode              2
transparency_picking_mode      2
3 settings matched