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RUCAP UM-5 tracker

RUCAP UM-5 tracker is a wireless joystick for view control in PyMol. The code based on project ImmersiveViz.

The script, which is reproduced below, transmits data to ImmersiveViz. ImmersiveViz runs on top of PyMol and adjusts the PyMol screen view in accordance with the position of your eyes in the space in front of the monitor.

Our system contains a head tracking thread which communicates the users position to a PyMol script via a socket. The PyMol script unpacks the message and updates the world respectively. All rotation is done around the virtual origin in PyMol and zoom is also considered.

Operating principle

Tracker RUCAP UM-5 in real time detects the absolute position and orientation of Your head relative to computer monitor. Antenna RU constantly traces the position of emitter CAP and transmits the data to RUCAP UM-5 Service program rucap.dll for further processing. Information from ultrasonic sensors is processed into concrete commands for the PyMol or computer program which runs RUCAP UM-5 profile at the moment.

5 degrees of freedom

There are 6 types of movement in three-dimensional space: linear move along X, Y, Z axes and also rotations of head around each of the axes. RUCAP UM-5 supports 5 degrees of freedom: all types of movement and head rotations left-right (yaw) and up-down (pitch). These are all types of view control that are used in computer games that's why RUCAP UM-5 tracker gives You complete view control in PyMol.

Getting UM-5 data of the users position into socket by your script

This device has got only OS Windows support on current time.

# -*- coding: cp1251
# Take data from UM-5 and put to the socket on port 4440.
#----- The server used to listen for head tracking
#		self.server = Server(self, 4440)
#----- The server used to listen for the GUI to update the values / display info
#		self.gui = Server(self, 4441)

from ctypes import *
import socket

HOST = ""                 # remote host-computer (localhost)
PORT = 4440              # port on remote host


# load dll
a = CDLL("rucap.dll")
# call function, that returned int
a.RucapCreateDevice.restype = c_int
print "RucapCreateDevice:"
print a.RucapCreateDevice(c_int(RUCAP_VERSION))

# initialisation of device
if (a.RucapCreateDevice(c_int(RUCAP_VERSION)) == RUCAP_RESULT_OK): print "Can`t create ruCap device\n"

a.RucapGetHeadPos.restype = c_int
x = c_float(0.0)
y = c_float(0.0)
z = c_float(0.0)

sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
sock.connect((HOST, PORT))

# main loop
while (1) :
    if a.RucapGetHeadPos(byref(x),byref(y),byref(z)):
        print "No Position!"
    else :
        #print '%f %f %f\n' % ( x.value, y.value, z.value)
        print x.value, y.value, z.value
        sock.send('X%.15f;Y%.15f;Z%.15f;\n' % ( x.value, y.value, z.value))
        result = sock.recv(1024)
        print "Recive:", result



Additional Information

PyMol Script of ImmersiveViz