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PyMOL can export input files for POV-Ray with the ".pov" file extension:

set stick_ball
save input.pov

It can also use POV-Ray directly for rendering with the ray command:

ray renderer=1

Since PyMOL 1.7.4, round stick caps are only exported correctly with stick_ball=on.

Nice PovRay settings

I typically use the make_pov.py script and "run" it from pymol once to load the function, and then I do make_pov('povray.inp') to create the povray.inp file. Then I edit that file to insert some lines like:

fog {
  distance 10
  fog_type 2
  fog_alt 10.
  fog_offset -160.
  up <0.,1.,.4>
colour rgbt<1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.1>
turbulence 0.8

In this case I'm not really doing depth-cueing but adding fog at the lower background edge (there were two planes defining the background and a surface below the molecule) rising up towards the front upper edge of the scene.

"fog_type 2" means a "rising fog" along the "up" vector. fog_type 1 is a constant fog. To get pure depth cueing, you would want "up" to be along the <0., 0., 1.> vector (I think!). You'll need to play around with the distance and fog_offset parameters. You wouldn't necessarily want the "turbulence" parameter in there either. Check out "Atmospheric Effects" in the povray documentation for many more details: http://www.povray.org/documentation/view/201/

make_pov.py v1

# make_pov.py
# Do "run make_pov.py" from within pymol and then execute the script
# with "make_pov('povray.inp')" to create the povray.inp file.
# written by Robert Campbell 2003
from pymol import cmd

def make_pov(file):
	(header,data) = cmd.get_povray()

make_pov.py v2

This is a more extended version of an earlier extension of the version by Robert Campbell. The scene is written in two parts, a .pov file containing all meta data, such as the lights, camera and #defaults, and an include file (.inc) which contains the structure. In this way you have maximum control over your scene without having to edit a huge povray file. You may even want to consider splitting your scene up in separate parts (taken from the same perspective), which you combine in a global .pov file using #include statements. This will give even more control with regards to modifications to the scene. If 'clip' is set to near|far|both, then the corresponding clipping plane(s) is/are included in a CSG difference object. Note that the result may increase the render time significantly unless the scene is simple.

Once you run run make_pov.py, run make_pov to execute the script.

NB. the .pov file contains a commented statement with regards to a povray macro file, which allows transforming scenes and objects from model space to camera space and vice versa. The macro file is given below.

# make_pov.py
# Do "run make_pov.py" from within pymol and then execute the script
# with "make_pov('povray.inp')" to create the povray.inp file.
# Original script written by Robert Campbell
# Modified by Tsjerk A. Wassenaar

from pymol import cmd

def make_pov(file, name="PymolObject", meta=True, clip=False ):
        f1, f2 = file, file[:-4] + '.inc'

        (header,data) = cmd.get_povray()
        povfile = open(f1,'w')
        if meta: povfile.write(header)
        povview = cmd.get_view()

        if clip:
                objtype = "difference"
                objclip = ""
                if clip in ["near","both"]:
                        objclip = objclip + "plane { z, -%f }" % povview[15] 
                if clip in ["far","both"]:
                        objclip = objclip + "plane { z, -%f }" % povview[16] 
                objtype = "object"
                objclip = ""

// Uncomment the following lines if you have the pymolmacro.inc include file and want to use it.
#include \"pymolmacro.inc\"
PYMOL_VIEW( %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f,
            %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f,
            %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f,
            %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f,
            %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f,
            %10.5f, %10.5f, %10.5f )

""" % povview)

#declare %s = union { #include "%s" }
%s { %s %s }
""" % (name, f2, objtype, name, objclip ) )

        povfile = open(f2,'w')

//  (c)2005 Tsjerk Wassenaar, University of Groningen
//  This include file for Povray contains
//  just a few macros which together allow
//  the conversion between the model space
//  (cartesian coordinates) and the Pymol
//  camera space.
//  With these macros one can easily combine
//  a Pymol scene with objects defined in the
//  coordinate space of the original
//  structure file.
//  The input consists of the output of the
//  get_view() command in Pymol. This output
//  consists of 18 floating point numbers
//  defining a rotation matrix and shift
//  vectors for the origin of rotation and
//  for the camera position.
//  The macro PYMOL_VIEW loads a
//  view obtained from Pymol.
//  It #declares two transformation statements:
//  The first can be used to transform the Pymol
//  scene back to model (normal) space, the latter
//  is used to transform other objects to appear in
//  the scene on the correct position.
//  Additionally four macros are defined to transform
//  vectors (points) from one space to another:
//  VEC2PYMOLSPACE( <x, y, z> )
//  VEC2CARTSPACE( <x, y, z> )
//  VEC2PYMOLVEC( <x, y, z> )
//  VEC2CARTVEC( <x, y, z> ) 
//  *NEW*
//  If the view from pymol is stored as an array:
//  #declare M = array[18] {...}
//  then the macros
//    and 
//  can be used directly to transform objects to and from that view:
//  object { ... SET_PYMOL_VIEW( M ) }
//  This is especially useful if multiple views are defined 
//  and the scene was set in one:
//  #declare VIEW1 = M;
//  #declare VIEW2 = N;
//  union { #include "file.inc" UNSET_PYMOL_VIEW( M ) SET_PYMOL_VIEW( N ) }
//  NOTE: transform statements are combined by POV-Ray prior to 
//  transformations of objects, so there's little need to implement a macro
//  although that would appear simpler in the scenes  

//  Tsjerk A. Wassenaar
//  February 16, 2005
//  April 5, 2005
//  September 2, 2009

// Determinant of a matrix
#macro DET( M )

  #local a = M[0] * ( M[4]*M[8] - M[5]*M[7] ); 
  #local b = M[1] * ( M[3]*M[8] - M[5]*M[6] ); 
  #local c = M[2] * ( M[3]*M[7] - M[4]*M[6] );

  (a - b + c)

#end // of DET()

// The inverse of a matrix
#macro INV( m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 )

  #local M = array[9] { m11, m12, m13, m21, m22, m23, m31, m32, m33 };
  #local invdet = 1/DET( M );
  #local t11 = invdet * ( m22*m33 - m23*m32 ); 
  #local t12 = invdet * ( m13*m32 - m12*m33 ); 
  #local t13 = invdet * ( m12*m23 - m13*m22 ); 
  #local t21 = invdet * ( m23*m31 - m21*m33 ); 
  #local t22 = invdet * ( m11*m33 - m13*m31 ); 
  #local t23 = invdet * ( m13*m21 - m11*m23 );
  #local t31 = invdet * ( m21*m32 - m22*m31 );
  #local t32 = invdet * ( m12*m31 - m11*m32 );
  #local t33 = invdet * ( m11*m22 - m12*m21 );

  t11, t12, t13, t21, t22, t23, t31, t32, t33, 0, 0, 0

#end // of INV()

#macro M_INV( M )
  #local invdet = 1/DET( M );
  #local t11 = invdet * ( M[4]*M[8] - M[5]*M[7] ); 
  #local t21 = invdet * ( M[2]*M[7] - M[1]*M[8] ); 
  #local t31 = invdet * ( M[1]*M[5] - M[2]*M[4] ); 

  #local t12 = invdet * ( M[5]*M[6] - M[3]*M[8] ); 
  #local t22 = invdet * ( M[0]*M[8] - M[2]*M[6] ); 
  #local t32 = invdet * ( M[2]*M[3] - M[0]*M[5] );

  #local t13 = invdet * ( M[3]*M[7] - M[4]*M[6] );
  #local t23 = invdet * ( M[1]*M[6] - M[0]*M[7] );
  #local t33 = invdet * ( M[0]*M[4] - M[1]*M[3] );

  array[9] {t11, t12, t13, t21, t22, t23, t31, t32, t33}

#macro MV_MUL( M, V )
    < M[0]*V.x + M[1]*V.y + M[2]*V.z,
      M[3]*V.x + M[4]*V.y + M[5]*V.z,
      M[6]*V.x + M[7]*V.y + M[8]*V.z >

#macro SET_PYMOL_VIEW( M )
  transform {
    translate -< M[12], M[13], M[14] >
    matrix < M[0], M[1],  M[2],
	     M[3], M[4],  M[5], 
	     M[6], M[7],  M[8], 
	     M[9], M[10], M[11] >
#end // of SET_PYMOL_VIEW

  transform {
    translate -< M[9], M[10], M[11] >
    matrix < INV( M[0], M[1], M[2], M[3], M[4], M[5], M[6], M[7], M[8] ) > 
    translate < M[12], M[13], M[14] >

#macro C2P_VEC( M, vec)
  #local nvec = vec - <M[12],M[13],M[14]>;
  #local nvec =
    < M[0]*nvec.x + M[1]*nvec.y + M[2]*nvec.z,
      M[3]*nvec.x + M[4]*nvec.y + M[5]*nvec.z,
      M[6]*nvec.x + M[7]*nvec.y + M[8]*nvec.z >; 
  nvec + <M[9],M[10],M[11]>

#macro P2C_VEC( M, vec)
  MV_MUL( M_INV(M), vec - <M[9],M[10],M[11]> ) + <M[12],M[13],M[14]>
  //#local nvec = vec - <M[9],M[10],M[11]>;
  //#local N = M_INV( M ) ;
  //#local nvec =
  //  < N[0]*nvec.x + N[1]*nvec.y + N[2]*nvec.z,
  //    N[3]*nvec.x + N[4]*nvec.y + N[5]*nvec.z,
  //    N[6]*nvec.x + N[7]*nvec.y + N[8]*nvec.z >; 

#macro PYMOL_VIEW( r11, r12, r13,     // 3x3 Rotation matrix ( Model space to Camera space )
		   r21, r22, r23, 
		   r31, r32, r33,
		    c1,  c2,  c3,     // Camera position ( Model space )
		    o1,  o2,  o3,     // Origin of rotation ( Model space )
		    s1,  s2,  or)     // Slab near and far, orthoscopic flag ( discarded )

  #declare PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX = array[9] { r11, r12, r13, 
					  r21, r22, r23, 
					  r31, r32, r33 }
  #declare PYMOLVIEW_CAMPOS  = < c1, c2, c3 >;
  #declare PYMOLVIEW_ORGPOS  = < o1, o2, o3 >;

  #declare TO_PYMOL_VIEW = transform {
    translate -< o1, o2, o3 >
    matrix < r11, r12, r13,
	     r21, r22, r23, 
	     r31, r32, r33, 
	      c1,  c2,  c3 >

  #declare FROM_PYMOL_VIEW = transform {
    translate -< c1, c2, c3>
    matrix < INV( r11, r12, r13, r21, r22, r23, r31, r32, r33 ) >
    translate  < o1, o2, o3>

  #macro VEC2PYMOLSPACE(vec)
    #local nvec = vec - PYMOLVIEW_ORGPOS;
    #local nvec =
      < PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[0]*nvec.x + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[3]*nvec.y + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[6]*nvec.z,
        PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[1]*nvec.x + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[4]*nvec.y + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[7]*nvec.z,
        PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[2]*nvec.x + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[5]*nvec.y + PYMOLVIEW_RMATRIX[8]*nvec.z >; 

  #macro VEC2CARTSPACE(vec)

    #local nvec = vec - PYMOLVIEW_CAMPOS;

    #local invdet = 1/DET( R );

    #local T = array[9];

    #local T[0] = invdet * ( R[4]*R[8] - R[5]*R[7] ); 
    #local T[1] = invdet * ( R[2]*R[7] - R[1]*R[8] ); 
    #local T[2] = invdet * ( R[1]*R[5] - R[2]*R[4] ); 
    #local T[3] = invdet * ( R[5]*R[6] - R[3]*R[8] ); 
    #local T[4] = invdet * ( R[0]*R[8] - R[2]*R[6] ); 
    #local T[5] = invdet * ( R[2]*R[3] - R[0]*R[5] );
    #local T[6] = invdet * ( R[3]*R[7] - R[4]*R[6] );
    #local T[7] = invdet * ( R[1]*R[6] - R[0]*R[7] );
    #local T[8] = invdet * ( R[0]*R[4] - R[1]*R[3] );

    < T[0]*nvec.x + T[3]*nvec.y + T[6]*nvec.z + PYMOLVIEW_ORGPOS.x,
      T[1]*nvec.x + T[4]*nvec.y + T[7]*nvec.z + PYMOLVIEW_ORGPOS.y,
      T[2]*nvec.x + T[5]*nvec.y + T[8]*nvec.z + PYMOLVIEW_ORGPOS.z >

  #macro VEC2PYMOLVEC(vec)

  #macro VEC2CARTVEC(vec)
    #local nvec = vec - PYMOLVIEW_CAMPOS;

  #macro CAM2PYMOLCAM()


  #macro CAM2CARTCAM()
