Scripts, Plugins & Tutorials
♦ CgoCircles— draw CGO circles in PyMOL; surround objects or selections with circles.
♦ MovieSchool — PyMOL Wiki's Movie School. Learn how to make movies in PyMOL!
♦ alphaToAll — Expands your desired alpha-carbon property down to all atoms in the residue.
♦ interfaceResidues — Finds interface residues in a complex.
♦ FindSurfaceResidues — Find and show (if you want) surface exposed resiues in PyMOL.
♦ ToGroup — Converts a multistate object into a group of single state objects.
♦ FindSeq — Find sequence or regular expression of amino acids in a protein.
♦ Modevectors — creates arrow plots for normal mode analysis (NMA), NMR ensembles and other cases where you want to point out differences between similar objects.
♦ Pucker — finds the sugar pucker information (phase, amplitude, pucker) for a given selection.
Screenshot of DrawBoundingBox in action.
♦ Labels page was thoroughly refurbished.
♦ The Wiki experienced a few moments of downtime due to system maintenance. The downtime was <10 minutes.
♦ Please note the "Go" and "Search" buttons in the search bar. They're not the same, and entering text and hitting ENTER is the same as using the "Go" button. Please try using the "Search" button; we're using a new search engine and it has cool new features.
♦ Documented a few more settings. Also, check out the cool, Huge_surfaces page for handling very large objects and representing them as surfaces, in PyMOL.
♦ We got our 2,000,000th page view!
Sample Cover from the Covers gallery.