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The community-run support site for the PyMOL molecular viewer.
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PyMOL Open-Source Fellowship Schrödinger is now accepting applications for the PyMOL Open-Source Fellowship program! Details on
Official Release PyMOL, AxPyMOL, and JyMOL v1.7.6 have all been released on May 4, 2015.
New Plugin PyANM is a new plugin for easier Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) building and visualising in PyMOL.
New Plugin Bondpack is a collection of PyMOL plugins for easy visualization of atomic bonds.
New Plugin MOLE 2.0 is a new plugin for rapid analysis of biomacromolecular channels in PyMOL.
3D using Geforce PyMOL can now be visualized in 3D using Nvidia GeForce video cards (series 400+) with 120Hz monitors and Nvidia 3D Vision, this was previously only possible with Quadro video cards.
Older News See Older News.
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Forster distance calculator

Type Python Script
Author(s) Troels E. Linnet
License BSD
This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo


This script can be handsome, if one is working with Förster resonance energy transfer in proteins. The script calculates the Förster distance: R0, from two dyes excitation/emission spectres.
This script is very handsome, if one want's to pick two dyes from different companies, and the Förster distance is not provided in a table.

This script does no calculation of proteins in pymol, but is made as a "hack/shortcut" for a python script.
We use the python part of pymol to do the calculations, so a student would not need to install python at home, but simply pymol.

Spectre input

There should be provided the path to four datafiles:
Excitation and Emission spectre for the Donor dye: D_Exi="path.txt" D_Emi="path.txt
Excitation and Emission spectre ..→

A Random PyMOL-generated Cover. See Covers.