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Official Release today, January 14, 2014.
New Plugin Bondpack is a a collection of PyMOL plugins for easy visualization of atomic bonds.
New Plugin MOLE 2.0 is a new plugin for rapid analysis of biomacromolecular channels in PyMOL.
3D using Geforce PyMOL can now be visualized in 3D using Nvidia GeForce video cards (series 400+) with 120Hz monitors and Nvidia 3D Vision, this was previously only possible with Quadro video cards.
New Plugin GROMACS_Plugin is a new plugin that ties together PyMOL and GROMACS.
New Software CMPyMOL is a software that interactively visualizes 2D contact maps of proteins in PyMOL.
New Script cgo_arrow draws an arrow between two picked atoms.
Tips & Tricks Instructions for generating movie PDFs using .mpg movies from PyMOL.
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Did you know...


Smooth performs a window average of coordinate states.


smooth [ selection [, passes [, window [, first [, last [, ends]]]]]]

# for example, smooth and object with 30 passes and
# a window size of 100.
smooth myObj, 30, 100
  • ends = 0 or 1: controls whether or not the end states are also smoothed using a weighted asymmetric window

To see smooth in context see this example


  • This type of averaging is often used to suppress high-frequency vibrations in a molecular dynamics trajectory.
  • This function is not memory efficient. For reasons of flexibility, it uses two additional copies of every atomic coordinate for the calculation. If you are memory-constrained in visualizing MD trajectories, then you may want to use an external tool such as ptraj to perform smoothing before loading coordinates into PyMOL.

See Also

Load_Traj, protect.

A Random PyMOL-generated Cover. See Covers.