Stereo ray

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Left Image
Right Image
Combined Images

A user on the PyMol list wrote a very nice little stereo ray tracing script. Just copy this to a text file. Then, in PyMol run

run dirName/scriptName.pym

where dirName is where you put it, and scriptName is what you named the file then run one something like the example lines given:

   stereo_ray output, 1000, 600
   stereo_ray secondImage.png

This will create to images, one with an L and one with an R suffix. Just paste the two images next to each other (in some image editing program) and you're done.

from pymol import cmd

def stereo_ray(output='', width='', height=''):
   "stereo_ray" ray-traces the current scene twice (separated by 
   a six-degree rotation around the y axis)
   and saves a pair of images that can be combined in any image
   manipulation software to form a stereoimage.
   The first argument, the output file name, is mandatory.
   The second and third arguments, the size of the image, are not.
   If the width is given, the height will be calculated.

   stereo_ray filename [, width [, height]]

   stereo_ray output, 1000, 600
   stereo_ray secondImage.png

   if output == '':
      print 'no output filename defined\n'
      print 'try: \'stereo_ray filename\''
      return -1
      # abort if no output file name given

   if width == '':
      width,height = cmd.get_session()['main'][0:2]
      # get dimensions from viewer if not given

   elif height == '':
      oldWidth,oldHeight = cmd.get_session()['main'][0:2]
      height = int(width)*oldHeight/oldWidth
      # calculate height from proportions of viewer if
      # only width is given

   cmd.ray(width, height, angle=-3)
   cmd.ray(width, height, angle=3)
