We need someone to make some edits to this page. I don't know anything about CCTBX except what's shown here.
Computational Crystallography Toolbox
Using With PyMol
On a Mac
There is a page on the cctbx with special instructions for using it on the Mac CCTBX On Mac. Note that you need to use the "Framework" build of PyMOL FrameWorkPyMol.
Roger Dodd's Solution
Some folks were having issues getting CCTBX to work. Here's one solution.
I hesitated to post this because I thought someone would have a more elegant solution, but I have got the draw_cell/symmops scripts working on windows with cctbx. I have had it working with all versions of PyMOL including the latest betas. I install PyMOL as usual in C:\Program Files\Delano Scientific\PyMOL. I also got hold of python 2.4.1 Python 2.4.1 and cctbx CCTBX For Windows With Python 2.4 and installed them to C:\python24 and 'C:\cctbx_build & C:\cctbx_sources, respectively.
In order to get things working together, I launch PyMOL with the following batch file:
@ECHO off set LIBTBX_DIST_ROOT=C:\cctbx_sources if not defined PYTHONPATH set PYTHONPATH= set PYTHONPATH=C:\cctbx_sources\boost_adaptbx;C:\cctbx_sources\scitbx;C:\cctbx_sources\cctbx;C:\cctbx_sources\iotbx;C:\cctbx_build\libtbx;C:\cctbx_sources\libtbx;%PYTHONPATH% set LIBTBX_BUILD=C:\cctbx_build set LIBTBX_PYTHON_EXE=C:\Python24\python.exe if not defined PATH set PATH= set PATH=C:\cctbx_build\libtbx\bin;C:\cctbx_build\libtbx;%PATH% set SCITBX_DIST=C:\cctbx_sources\scitbx set IOTBX_DIST=C:\cctbx_sources\iotbx set CCTBX_DIST=C:\cctbx_sources\cctbx set BOOST_ADAPTBX_DIST=C:\cctbx_sources\boost_adaptbx set LIBTBX_DIST=C:\cctbx_sources\libtbx if not defined PATHEXT set PATHEXT= set PATHEXT=.PX;.PY;%PATHEXT% call "%LIBTBX_PYTHON_EXE%" "%LIBTBX_DIST%\libtbx\" "C:\Program Files\DeLano Scientific\PyMOL\PyMOLWin.exe" +2
Just save as PyMOL.bat and run it (this is basically the cctbx setpaths.bat with a pymol command tagged on the end). I hope this helps.
Robert Campbell's Solution
When you run the script, it adds the cctbx_build/bin directory to the *front* of your $PATH. In that directory is a shell script called "python" that sets the environment necessary to import cctbx. So, to get cctbx to work, you have to call python without prefixing a directory path. If you were like me and had:
/usr/bin/python $PYMOL_PATH/modules/ $*
in your file, then it would not run that cctbx_build/bin/python script. So you need to either change the above line to:
python $PYMOL_PATH/modules/ $*
(assuming you've already run the script) or you need to copy the cctbx_build/bin/python contents (without the actual "python" command) into your file or some other file that you source before
Within pymol, type the command:
print sys.path
and you should now see the cctbx directories show up.
I hope this is clear enough!