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Welcome to the PyMOL Wiki!
The community-run support site for the PyMOL molecular viewer.
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News & Updates
Official Release PyMOL, AxPyMOL, and JyMOL v1.7.4 have all been released on December 3, 2014.
New Plugin PyANM is a new plugin for easier Anisotropic Network Model (ANM) building and visualising in PyMOL.
PyMOL Open-Source Fellowship Schrödinger is now accepting applications for the PyMOL Open-Source Fellowship program! Details on
Official Release PyMOL, AxPyMOL, and JyMOL v1.7.2 have all been released on August 4, 2014.
Official Release PyMOL, AxPyMOL, and JyMOL v1.7 have all been released today, January 14, 2014.
New Plugin Bondpack is a collection of PyMOL plugins for easy visualization of atomic bonds.
New Plugin MOLE 2.0 is a new plugin for rapid analysis of biomacromolecular channels in PyMOL.
3D using Geforce PyMOL can now be visualized in 3D using Nvidia GeForce video cards (series 400+) with 120Hz monitors and Nvidia 3D Vision, this was previously only possible with Quadro video cards.
New Plugin GROMACS_Plugin is a new plugin that ties together PyMOL and GROMACS.
New Software CMPyMOL is a software that interactively visualizes 2D contact maps of proteins in PyMOL.
New Script cgo_arrow draws an arrow between two picked atoms.
Tips & Tricks Instructions for generating movie PDFs using .mpg movies from PyMOL.
Older News See Older News.
Did you know...


A quote from their site:

Voronoia is a program suite to analyse and visualize the atomic packing of protein structures. It is based on the Voronoi Cell method and can be used to estimate the quality of a protein structure, e.g. by comparing the packing density of buried atoms to a reference data set or by highlighting protein regions with large packing defects. Voronoia is also targeted to detect locations of putative internal water or binding sites for ligands. Accordingly, Voronoia is beneficial for a broad range of protein structure approaches. It is applicable as a standalone version coming with a user friendly GUI or, alternatively, as a Pymol Plugin. Finally, Voronoia is also available as an easy to use webtool to process user defined PDB-files or to asses precalculated packing files from DOPP, the regularly updated Dictionary of Packing in Proteins.

Website: Voronoia

A Random PyMOL-generated Cover. See Covers.