Scripts, Plugins & Tutorials
♦ SuperSym— plugin for visualizing lots and lots of space groups!
♦ Autodock_Plugin— New PyMOL plugin for interacting with AutoDock (including AutoDock Vina) and visualizing results.
♦ Spectrumbar— powerful new script for making custom spectrum bars in PyMOL.
♦ CollapseSel— simple script to compress selection lists: eg. instead of i. 1+2+3+4+5 you get 1-5.
♦ SuperSym— incredible script for handling crystallographic symmetry operations.
♦ CgoCircle— draw CGO circles in PyMOL; surround objects or selections with circles.
♦ MovieSchool — PyMOL Wiki's Movie School. Learn how to make movies in PyMOL!
♦ alphaToAll — Expands your desired alpha-carbon property down to all atoms in the residue.
♦ interfaceResidues — Finds interface residues in a complex.
♦ FindSurfaceResidues — Find and show (if you want) surface exposed resiues in PyMOL.
♦ ToGroup — Converts a multistate object into a group of single state objects.
♦ FindSeq — Find sequence or regular expression of amino acids in a protein.
♦ Modevectors — creates arrow plots for normal mode analysis (NMA), NMR ensembles and other cases where you want to point out differences between similar objects.
♦ Pucker — finds the sugar pucker information (phase, amplitude, pucker) for a given selection.