♦ Added some information on how PyMOL handles Nonstandard_Amino_Acids.
♦ Downtime: The PyMOLWiki underwent some downtime due to FS problems. There are also upgrades planned for this week, so we may expect a little downtime for that. We've been very fortunate to have hosting from BitGnome.Net; they've done an incredible job!
♦ Gallery -- Did you make a cool image? Pop it into the PyMOLWiki Gallery with the PyMOL command you used. Looking for a particular representation--start here (new!).
♦ Google Analytics cookies/tracking added to the wiki. We're just doing hit counts and watching what people do so we can improve the wiki.
♦ PyMOL Cheat Sheet (reference card) has been donated. It's also posted in the table above for quick access.
♦ Google Summer of Code 2008 for PyMOL has been created. Update: PyMOL wasn't chosen, so this page is now about ideas for improving PyMOL.
♦ Added a special category/section for active PyMOL Tutorials. These are pages not just with information, but easy to understand, step-by-step pages from which to learn.