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#  Creates perpendicular planes.
# =============
# Nothing to do with cops.  Given a simple PyMol scene, attempts to
# create a CGO background triangle perpendicular to the vector created - which is
# parallel to the line segment drawn through the camera point and current center of
# mass - as obtained by "get_position," or "get_view."
# @COPYRIGHT: Jason Vertrees (C), 2005-2007
# @LICENSE: Released under GPL:
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
# this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin
# Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301, USA 

# To use: Load your scene.  Orient the scene as you wish.  Run the script.
# Could it be any simpler?!

# The TTT Matrix has to be the identity, do achieve this result.  So,
# run the following:
#   -- 'reset'
#   -- then orient your molecule as desired using the EDITING features!
#     -- before running this script, make sure 'get_view' shows the identity
#     -- matrix for the first 9 elements.
#   -- then run the script

import pymol
import math
import sys
import random
from pymol.cgo import *
from pymol.vfont import plain

# Methods

# Given the viewVector and center, creates a random sized plane
# perpendicular to the viewVector through the origin.  It is then
# the next step's responsibility to move the plane back some so
# it dosen't cut the molecule/scene in half.
def getPPlane( viewVector, center, side_length=100 ):
        """Returns a 3-tuple of 3D points representing the perp. plane."""

        # for reproduceable testing
        # The formula for a plane with our chacteristics is defined by
        # A(x - x') + B(y - y') + C(y - y') + D = 0, where
        # A, B and C are not all zero coefficients in the vector
        # Ai + Bj + Ck such that the plane is perpendicular to this
        # vector; x, y, and z are points on the plane; x', y', and z'
        # are the coordiates through which the plane shall run.

        # This is fool-ass.  Gotta' be a better way to do this.
        # Declaring that rVal is a 3-Tuple.
        rVal = [ [], [], [], [], [], [] ]

        # Compose two triangles into a square.
        # Never learned any GFX coding, so I'm sure there's something
        # better than this; but, this works.
        for i in range(0, 6):
                if ( i == 0 ) or ( i == 5 ):
                        x = -side_length + center[0]
                        y = -side_length + center[1]
                elif (i == 1):
                        x = -side_length + center[0]
                        y =  side_length + center[1]
                elif ( i == 2 ) or ( i == 3 ):
                        x = side_length + center[0]
                        y = side_length + center[1]
                elif ( i == 4):
                        x = side_length + center[0]
                        y = -side_length + center[1]

                if ( viewVector[2] != 0 ):
                        z = -(((viewVector[0]*(x - center[0])) - (viewVector[1]*(y - center[1]))) /
viewVector[2]) + center[2]

                        print "Z-component of viewVector is zero.  Now, I need a nonzero value here
so I'm just making one up. :)"
                        z = random.randint(-200, 200)

                rVal[i] = [x, y, z]

        return rVal

# End methods
# First, get the center and camera locations
view = cmd.get_view()
camera = [ view[9], view[10], view[11] ]
center = [ view[12], view[13], view[14] ]

# Sanity check

print "Camera is: " + str(camera)
print "Center is: " + str(center)

# Create the vector through the two points directed
# from the camera to the center - the viewVector
viewVector = [ center[0] - camera[0],
                           center[1] - camera[1],
                           center[2] - camera[2] ]

print "ViewVector is: " + str(viewVector)

# Create the plane perpendicular to the viewVector
# running through the origin

pPlane = getPPlane( viewVector, center, side_length=100 )
print "Plane points calculated as: " + str(pPlane)

# Now translate the plane down away from the camera along the viewVector axis

# now create the CGO and load from the points
obj = [
        COLOR, 0.2, 0.4, 1,

        VERTEX, pPlane[0][0], pPlane[0][1], pPlane[0][2],
        VERTEX, pPlane[1][0], pPlane[1][1], pPlane[1][2],
        VERTEX, pPlane[2][0], pPlane[2][1], pPlane[2][2],

        VERTEX, pPlane[3][0], pPlane[3][1], pPlane[3][2],
        VERTEX, pPlane[4][0], pPlane[4][1], pPlane[4][2],
        VERTEX, pPlane[5][0], pPlane[5][1], pPlane[5][2],


cmd.load_cgo( obj, 'pPlane')
cmd.set_view( view )