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The community-run support site for the PyMOL molecular viewer.
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News & Updates
New Setup PyMOL-open-source-windows-setup v3.1 has been released on January 20, 2025. More information under Windows Install.
New Plugin PySSA aims to combine PyMOL and ColabFold to enable the prediction and analysis of 3D protein structures for the scientific end-user. v1.0 has been released on July 10, 2024.
Official Release PyMOL v3.0 has been released on March 12, 2024.
New Plugin CavitOmiX calculate Catalophore™ cavities, predict protein structures with OpenFold by NVIDIA-BioNeMo, ESMFold and retrieve Alphafold models
Official Release PyMOL v2.5 has been released on May 10, 2021.
Python 3 New Python 3 compatibility guide for scripts and plugins
POSF New PyMOL fellowship announced for 2022-2023
Tutorial Plugins Tutorial updated for PyQt5
New Plugin PICv is a new plugin for clustering protein-protein interactions and visualization with available data from PDBe
Selection keywords New polymer.protein and polymer.nucleic selection keywords. Thanks everyone who participated in the poll!
Plugin Update MOLE 2.5 is an updated version of channel analysis software in PyMOL
New Script dssr_block is a wrapper for DSSR (3dna) and creates block-shaped nucleic acid cartoons
Older News See Older News.
Did you know...


Type PyMOL Plugin
Download plugins/
Author(s) Gregor Hagelueken
License -
This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo


COLORAMA is a PyMOL plugin which allows to color objects using adjustable scale bars.

Program features

In RGB mode, each color R, G, B is represented by one scale bar which can be manually adjusted while the selected object is colored in real time. For convenience, it is as well possible to switch to the HSV color system.

Additionally, a color gradient with user-defined start- and end-colors can be created for the selected molecule.




This plugin is included in the project Pymol-script-repo.

Manual install the plugin by copying the code below into an empty text file (e.g. "") located in the \Pymol\modules\pmg_tk\startup directory. After PyMOL has been started, the program can be launched from the PLUGINS menu. COLORAMA has not been tested with PyMOL versions older than 1.0.

===Single ..→

A Random PyMOL-generated Cover. See Covers.