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Pymol Inclusion

Conclusion: the include plugin doesn't work as a template.

Through Template: {{{lt|<}}}include src="{{{1}}}" highlight="{{{2|python}}}" /{{{gt|>}}}

This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo.

Subst: {{{lt|<}}}include src="{{{1}}}" highlight="{{{2|python}}}" /{{{gt|>}}}

This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo.

This code has been put under version control in the project Pymol-script-repo.


from pymol import cmd

def removealt(obj="(all)", keep="A"):
    removeAlt -- remove all alternate location-atoms not of altloc "keep" from object.

            obj -- the object(s) to remove the atoms frmo
            keep -- which type of alt loc to keep

    output: none -- removes atoms

            removeAlt # remove all altLocations that aren't altloc A
            removeAlt pdbID, C  # remove all but C altlocations from pdbID
    # select & remove all non A altlocs
    remStr = "%s and not (alt ''+%s)" % (obj, keep)
    # reset the PDB information
    cmd.alter(obj, "alt=''")

cmd.extend("removealt", removealt)