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import sys,os
import sys,os
import tkinter.simpledialog
import tkinter.messagebox
import tkinter.filedialog
import Pmw
import Pmw
import tkinter
import tkinter

Revision as of 21:21, 10 March 2019

Type Python Script
Download [1]
Author(s) David Ryan Koes
License CC BY 4.0


PyMOL Plugin for displaying polar contacts. Good hydrogen bonds (as determined by PyMOL) are shown in yellow. Electrostatic clashes (donor-donor or acceptor-acceptor) are shown in red. Close (<4.0 A) but not ideal contacts are shown in purple. Cutoffs are configurable. Exports the command `contacts` which takes two selections and an optional name for the generated contacts group. Alternatively, the selections can be chosen using a dialog box accessible from the Plugins menu.


show_contacts sel1, sel2, result="contacts", cutoff=3.6, bigcutoff=4.0

Required Arguments

  • sel1 = first selection
  • sel2 = second selection

Optional Arguments

  • result = name of created group containing contacts
  • cutoff = cutoff for good contacts (yellow dashes)
  • bigcutoff = cutoff for suboptimal contacts (purple dashes)

The Code

Copy the following text and save it as show_contacts.py


'''PyMOL plugin that provides show_contacts command and GUI 
for highlighting good and bad polar contacts. Factored out of 
clustermols by Matthew Baumgartner.
The advantage of this package is it requires many fewer dependencies.
from __future__ import print_function

import sys,os

import Pmw
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
from pymol import cmd


def show_contacts(selection,selection2,result="contacts",cutoff=3.6, bigcutoff = 4.0, SC_DEBUG = DEBUG):
    show_contacts selection, selection2, [result=contacts],[cutoff=3.6],[bigcutoff=4.0]
    Show various polar contacts, the good, the bad, and the ugly.
    Edit MPB 6-26-14: The distances are heavy atom distances, so I upped the default cutoff to 4.0
    True/False -  if False, something went wrong
    if SC_DEBUG > 4:
        print('Starting show_contacts')
        print('selection = "' + selection + '"')
        print('selection2 = "' + selection2 + '"')

    #if the group of contacts already exist, delete them

    # ensure only N and O atoms are in the selection
    all_don_acc1 = selection + " and (donor or acceptor)"
    all_don_acc2 = selection2 + " and  (donor or acceptor)"
    if SC_DEBUG > 4:
        print('all_don_acc1 = "' + all_don_acc1 + '"')
        print('all_don_acc2 = "' + all_don_acc2 + '"')
    #if theses selections turn out not to have any atoms in them, pymol throws cryptic errors when calling the dist function like:
    #'Selector-Error: Invalid selection name'
    #So for each one, manually perform the selection and then pass the reference to the distance command and at the end, clean up the selections
    #the return values are the count of the number of atoms
    all1_sele_count = cmd.select('all_don_acc1_sele', all_don_acc1)
    all2_sele_count = cmd.select('all_don_acc2_sele', all_don_acc2)
    #print out some warnings
    if DEBUG > 3:
        if not all1_sele_count:
            print('Warning: all_don_acc1 selection empty!')
        if not all2_sele_count:
            print('Warning: all_don_acc2 selection empty!')
    allres = result + "_all"
    if all1_sele_count and all2_sele_count:
        cmd.distance(allres, 'all_don_acc1_sele', 'all_don_acc2_sele', bigcutoff, mode = 0)
        cmd.set("dash_radius", "0.05", allres)
        cmd.set("dash_color", "purple", allres)
        cmd.hide("labels", allres)
    #compute good polar interactions according to pymol
    polres = result + "_polar"
    if all1_sele_count and all2_sele_count:
        cmd.distance(polres, 'all_don_acc1_sele', 'all_don_acc2_sele', cutoff, mode = 2) #hopefully this checks angles? Yes
    #When running distance in mode=2, the cutoff parameter is ignored if set higher then the default of 3.6
    #so set it to the passed in cutoff and change it back when you are done.
    old_h_bond_cutoff_center = cmd.get('h_bond_cutoff_center') # ideal geometry
    old_h_bond_cutoff_edge = cmd.get('h_bond_cutoff_edge') # minimally acceptable geometry
    cmd.set('h_bond_cutoff_center', bigcutoff)
    cmd.set('h_bond_cutoff_edge', bigcutoff)
    #compute possibly suboptimal polar interactions using the user specified distance
    pol_ok_res = result + "_polar_ok"
    if all1_sele_count and all2_sele_count:
        cmd.distance(pol_ok_res, 'all_don_acc1_sele', 'all_don_acc2_sele', bigcutoff, mode = 2) 
        cmd.set("dash_radius", "0.06", pol_ok_res)

    #now reset the h_bond cutoffs
    cmd.set('h_bond_cutoff_center', old_h_bond_cutoff_center)
    cmd.set('h_bond_cutoff_edge', old_h_bond_cutoff_edge) 
    onlyacceptors1 = selection + " and (acceptor and !donor)"
    onlyacceptors2 = selection2 + " and (acceptor and !donor)"
    onlydonors1 = selection + " and (!acceptor and donor)"
    onlydonors2 = selection2 + " and (!acceptor and donor)"  
    #perform the selections
    onlyacceptors1_sele_count = cmd.select('onlyacceptors1_sele', onlyacceptors1)
    onlyacceptors2_sele_count = cmd.select('onlyacceptors2_sele', onlyacceptors2)
    onlydonors1_sele_count = cmd.select('onlydonors1_sele', onlydonors1)
    onlydonors2_sele_count = cmd.select('onlydonors2_sele', onlydonors2)    
    #print out some warnings
    if SC_DEBUG > 2:
        if not onlyacceptors1_sele_count:
            print('Warning: onlyacceptors1 selection empty!')
        if not onlyacceptors2_sele_count:
            print('Warning: onlyacceptors2 selection empty!')
        if not onlydonors1_sele_count:
            print('Warning: onlydonors1 selection empty!')
        if not onlydonors2_sele_count:
            print('Warning: onlydonors2 selection empty!')    
    accres = result+"_aa"
    if onlyacceptors1_sele_count and onlyacceptors2_sele_count:
        aa_dist_out = cmd.distance(accres, 'onlyacceptors1_sele', 'onlyacceptors2_sele', cutoff, 0)

        if aa_dist_out < 0:
            print('\n\nCaught a pymol selection error in acceptor-acceptor selection of show_contacts')
            print('accres:', accres)
            print('onlyacceptors1', onlyacceptors1)
            print('onlyacceptors2', onlyacceptors2)
            return False
    donres = result+"_dd"
    if onlydonors1_sele_count and onlydonors2_sele_count:
        dd_dist_out = cmd.distance(donres, 'onlydonors1_sele', 'onlydonors2_sele', cutoff, 0)
        #try to catch the error state 
        if dd_dist_out < 0:
            print('\n\nCaught a pymol selection error in dd selection of show_contacts')
            print('donres:', donres)
            print('onlydonors1', onlydonors1)
            print('onlydonors2', onlydonors2)
            print("cmd.distance('" + donres + "', '" + onlydonors1 + "', '" + onlydonors2 + "', " + str(cutoff) + ", 0)")  
            return False
    ##### find the buried unpaired atoms of the receptor #####
    #initialize the variable for when CALC_SASA is False
    unpaired_atoms = ''
    ## Group
    cmd.group(result,"%s %s %s %s %s %s" % (polres, allres, accres, donres, pol_ok_res, unpaired_atoms))
    ## Clean up the selection objects
    #if the show_contacts debug level is high enough, don't delete them.
    if SC_DEBUG < 5:
    return True
cmd.extend('contacts', show_contacts) #contacts to avoid clashing with cluster_mols version

########################### Start of pymol plugin code ##########################

about_text = '''show_contacts was factored out of the much more full-featured cluster_mols
by Dr. Matt Baumgartner (https://pymolwiki.org/index.php/Cluster_mols).  It provides
an easy way to highlight polar contacts (and clashes) between two selections without
requiring the installation of additional dependencies.

class Show_Contacts:
    ''' Main Pymol Plugin Class '''
    def __init__(self, app):
        parent = app.root
        self.parent = parent
        self.app = app

        ### Open a window with options to select to loaded objects ###

        self.select_dialog = Pmw.Dialog(parent, 
                         buttons = ('Ok','Cancel'), 
                         title = 'Show Contacts Plugin',
                         command = self.button_pressed )

        #allow the user to select from objects already loaded in pymol
        self.select_object_combo_box = Pmw.ComboBox(self.select_dialog.interior(),
                                                               label_text='Select loaded object:',
                                                               listbox_height = 2,
        self.select_object_combo_box2 = Pmw.ComboBox(self.select_dialog.interior(),
                                                               label_text='Select loaded object:',
                                                               listbox_height = 2,
        self.select_object_combo_box.grid(column=1, row=0)
        self.select_object_combo_box2.grid(column=2, row=0)

    def button_pressed(self, result):
        if hasattr(result,'keycode'):
            if result.keycode == 36:
                print('keycode:', result.keycode)
        elif result == 'Ok' or result == 'Exit' or result == None:
            s1 = self.select_object_combo_box.get()
            s2 = self.select_object_combo_box2.get()
        elif result == 'Cancel' or result == None:


    def populate_ligand_select_list(self):
        ''' Go thourgh the loaded objects in PyMOL and add them to the selected list. '''
        #get the loaded objects
        loaded_objects = [ name for name in cmd.get_names('all') if '_cluster_' not in name ]
        for ob in loaded_objects:
            self.select_object_combo_box.insert('end', ob)
            self.select_object_combo_box2.insert('end', ob)

def __init__(self):
    self.menuBar.addmenuitem('Plugin', 'command', 'Show Contacts', label = 'Show Contacts', command = lambda s=self : Show_Contacts(s))