Linux Install

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Installing PyMol is quite straightforward.

Fedora Core Linux (x86)

PyMOL RPMs are available for Fedora Core 1 & 2, provided by Morten Kjeldgaard. These can be manually downloaded by browsing from:

Alternatively, PyMOL can be installed using Yum (an automated package installer and updater, installed by default in Fedora). This can be done by adding the following lines to your /etc/yum.conf file:

name=MOKs RPM Repository fedora $releasever - $basearch - xray

And then issuing the following command as root:

yum install pymol

Gentoo Linux (x86)

as root:

emerge pymol

be sure to have the proper OpenGL configuration. For example:

opengl-update ati
opengl-update nvidia

list of available versions of pymol for gentoo


32-bit (x86)

64-bit (x86_64)

64-bit Python install is quite easy. Make sure your nvidia driver is installed (or ATI, but I have no experience there).

To install PyMol

  • Ensure your system has it's distutils in place and ready to use. Try the following check:
from distutils import *
  • Download the source
  • Download [Pmw] from [SourceForge].
    • To install Pmw, just decompress it and then move the base director "Pwm" to /usr/lib64/python2.3/site-packages/. You can test that it's there by testing the import, see below:
import * from Pmw

If errors erupt, investigate.

  • decompress the source and cd into the PyMol directory that was just decompressed.
  • If upgrading see below.
  • Now enter the following...

python build
sudo python install
sudo python

  • The sudo commands will need a root password or someone with sudo capabilities.

I also copy the '' file to /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin -- somewhere in my path: sudo cp ./ /usr/local/bin

You should now have a working PyMol install. should now run your new PyMol install.

  • Caveats
    • NVidia card
      • Kernel Source
    • ATI card
    • Pmw


Download the appropriate RPM and use 'rpm' to install it. Typically,

rpm -Uvh rpmFileName.rpm

From Source


assuming you already have your PyMol source tree untar'ed simply do:

 python build
 python install  # need to be root, here
 sudo cp ./ /usr/local/bin/ # cp the executable to /usr/local/bin

Now you can run PyMol from anywhere by issuing the command:

Compiling By Hand

Copy the appropriate setup/Rules.XXX file to the base PyMol dir. You'll have to edit the file for your system. Then run 'make'.

Preparing your System

See Linux_XFree86_Configuration.